A Fables Casting Call
So I've been reading Fables for the last two weeks and, since I could not think of anything else to write down, I've decided to play Wizard Casting Call in my Blog with the title. I think that at least the inspiration of Snow White is quite clear in the book. She looks like a clone of Jennifer Connelly to me!Plus it is always cool to have Connelly in fantasy/comicbook roles. Bigby looks a bit like Snake Plissken minus patch, but, of course, I might be influenced after re-watching Big Trouble in Little China, Escape from NY and Escape from LA in the same week. Prince Charming should be the fairest among them all: in my humble opinion, Jude Law. Plus he already played a very similar part in the Talented Mr Ripley. Finally, Reese Witherspoon is a great actress, plus she looks like a Bucky drawing. She'd be perfect as Rose Red. I'm not sure about the rest, but I think that Edward Norton would be a great Jack. What do you think out there?