"The thief of always" is a novel by Clive Barker about a boy who is bored. Basically, he is invited to visit a house where all his childhood dreams may come true ... for a price.
IDW is releasing this novel in three graphic novels, adapted by Kris Oprisko and illustrated by Gabriel Hernandez (CVO-Artifact, CVO-Human Touch). "The thief of always" is not hard core horror as most Barker's jobs, but rather written to a younger public. It is full of amazement and wonders, but there is also horror lurking behind. Oprisko has done a fine job adapting the original text, but the best of this adaptation is Hernandez's spectacular art. Both the pencil and the watercolors give the perfect atmosphere to this adaptation, plus every panel is full of little details that delight the reader and are worth of several reads. In my humble opinion, this is probably IDW's best release thus far.
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